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7 - 13%

Lower Electricity Costs

40 - 70%

Reduced Maintenance Costs

15 - 30%

More Available Power Capacity

Up to 5x

Increase of Lifespan of Equipment

Prevent Shutdowns

Unplanned shutdowns are prevented thus improving industrial output 

Improved Safety

Safety hazards are minimized

About Us

SENERQON Group specializes in electrical energy saving & optimizing the power quality for industrial facilities, commercial building and infrastructure. We do this by installing custom interventions that connect in parallel to electrical loads. This custom-designed project reduces power consumption by 7 to 13% and increases power availability by 15 to 30%, so new production lines or additional loads and equipment can be added without any new electrical infrastructure. Furthermore, Senerqon's project extends the life of the existing equipment and lowers maintenance costs by 40 to 70%, while unplanned shutdowns are preventing and safety hazards are minimizing.

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Senerqon Logo






TSABASIS Golden Tastes

...The final energy-saving result achieved by the SENERQON project was 13.2% greater than the guaranteed result of 9.7% based on the project contract. 
....we have observed a significant increase in the reserve capacity of the electrical installation by 25%...
...there has been a significant reduction in maintenance costs (over 60%) for all electrical equipment in the installation, while unwanted stops of electrical loads due to  external and internal voltage dips have been drastically reduced, leading to increased productivity"

- Vassilis Koutroumpinas COO Paliria Group


“the savings rate achieved was
9,75%... The project has been overly successful, as it surpassed its contractual goals, while at the same time improved the overall operation of the facility significantly, by reducing unwanted downtime in production.”

-Iason Lantzis, CEO


“We observed an electricity cost reduction of 23,77% … After one year of implementation of the project, there has been a significant reduction in electrical equipment maintenance cost.”

-Stella Georgana, Plant Manager

Hellenic Petroleum

“The final percentage of electricity savings achieved in the unit's electrical installation is 9.8%. This percentage far exceeds the 6.8% that was the minimum agreed upon in the Project Contract...

-A. Katsanikos, Director of North Industrial Facilities Group


“The guaranteed savings of 5,8% was surpassed to 6,1% during the first 10 months of observation of the project.”

-Fokion Tasoulas, Technical Manager


"The weighted average result of the lrms currents reduction measured equal to 11,8%, greater than the guaranteed 8,4% as the contract stated."


"The Weighted average result of the lrms currents reduction measured equal to 10,3%, greater than the guaranteed 9,20% as the contract stated.

-Paliria Bulgaria EAD


“Our facility has been benefited in several ways; First, there was a reduction in voltage and current harmonics which polluted the grid, all the harmful interactions between the loads have been minimized, additionally the efficiency of the motors greatly increased … The savings achieved was 12,22%.”

-Dr. Athanasios Karakatsanis, Plant Director.


“final savings achieved was 14,2% and the payback period was about 14 months!”

-Dionysis Stylianesis, Facilities Manager


“Wabtec considers the Power Quality Improvement and Energy Savings Project a success. It improved the power quality and energy efficiency of our facility which resulted in savings on our electricity bill.”

-Michael Fetsko, President

Rajhi Steel

“The average saving (-15.74%) was greater that the guaranteed (-10.15%) …. We would like to congratulate you for the Power Quality and Improvement and Saving Project, which was executed in our facilities with absolute success, in line with your offer and scientific know how.”

-Ahmad M. Al-Amoudi, Vice President

Coca Cola

“Our experience on this project has been very positive … The plant KPI of total energy consumption before and after the project showed a 5% reduction … (while) Actual Measurements showed a reduction of 9% … Since the implementation of the project, we have observed significant reduction of electrical component failures.”

-Dimitris Katraouzos,
Group Infrastructure and Development Director COCA COLA HBC SA


“The energy savings achieved was greater than the guaranteed at 9,86% … All the parts used in the interventions, operate properly, with zero malfunctions or breakdowns”

-Dimitris Iliakis, Technical Manager


"Results of the performance measurements of the Acceptance Test are proven to be 13,4%, more than the guaranteed which was targeted to 9,8%."

-Christopher Garin, Operation Manager


"The weighted average energy saving result was found to be equal to 8.44%, greater than the guaranteed result of 7.8%, based on the project contract... (translated from Greek)

-Nikolaos Papalazarou, Head of Maintenance Department

General Mills

"The guaranteed savings rate of 11.05% according to the contract was not only achieved but exceeded, reaching 20.69%...

-Panos Gatos, Technical Director, General Mills Hellas S.A.

Hotel Grand Bretagne

"The average savings found from the rms measurements were, for Grand Bretagne & King George hotels, 12.16% & 11.90% respectively, clearly higher than the guaranteed 7.60% & 8.80% respectively.... (translated from Greek)

-Tim Ananiadis, General Manager & Managing Director

Halyps Cement Italcementi

"The guaranteed saving rate 5,32%, according to the contract, not only is accomplished but is exceeded reaching the 9,00%... the initial saving target is highly achieved leading to a shorter pay-back period.

-Pantellis Vavalos, Energy Saving Manager

St. Luke's Hospital

"it was observed a large reduction in currents, improved voltage levels, reduction in harmonic current and voltage and almost annihilation of the required reactive power... 2 years of implementation we have seen... reduction in loads supply currents by 13,6%, reductoin in maintenance costs of electrical equipment of the hospital..."

-Dr. Demosthenes Katsarkas


"the results of these measurements showed that the electric energy saving achieved was 14,1%, which was higher than the guaranteed 9,8% according to contract."

-Kostas Koronakis

Global Presence





Get an offer

Contact us in order to evaluate if we can offer you our services. Fill in the form you will find on the link below.

Guaranteed 7-13% Savings on Energy Bills

SENERQON's unique selling proposition is that we guarantee your energy savings results as per your annual costs of electricity energy spending.

Guaranteed Energy Savings on Consumption of Energy

According to your set up we Guarantee you energy savings of Consumption of Energy as percentage upon contract.

100% Success rate on Payback period

100% Payback period for each client as stated on our initial research for you factory, building, facility, etc.

Clients & Projects 

Over the years, Seman SA & SEM Systems Ltd, have worked on multiple international projects with global leading Corporations such as Amazon, Continental, Hellenic Petroleum, Nestle & more and delivered exceptional results. 


Projects & Case Studies

Discover case studies were our team, as part of SEMAN SA & SEM SYSTEMS, has worked on and their achievements, such as significant electricity energy consumption savings with a high ROI.

Al Rajhi Steel Industries Co ltd

Saudia Arabia

Saving Percentage Achieved
15.74 %

Payback Period of the Project
2.06 years

Hellenic Petroleum Group


Saving Percentage Achieved
9.80 % 

Payback Period of the Project
1.39 years

Al Marai Company Limited

Saudia Arabia

Saving Percentage Achieved
10.95 %

Payback Period of the Project
2.45 years

General Mills Group (Factory Expansion)


Saving Percentage Achieved
20.69 %

Payback Period of the Project
1.39 years

Coca Cola HBC Group - Schimatary Plant

Athens - Hellas

Saving Percentage Achieved

Payback Period of the Project
1.60 years


Phillip Moris Plant

Athens - Hellas

Saving Percentage Achieved
10.34 %

Payback Period of the Project
1.32 years

Save an Average of 7-13% in Energy, Reduce Maintenance Costs, Increase Power Capacity for:

Global Leader in Industrial

Energy Savings 

Improve Overall Electrical Performance through  Scientific Energy Quality Optimization. 

SENERQON is owned by Dr. Konstantinos Satsios. With a distinguished career in the industry, and more than 30 years of experience, he is also serving as the Chairman, Co-Founder and CEO, as well as co-owner, of SEMAN SA, and SEM SYSTEMS LTD.

Dr. Satsios, a senior member of IEEE, and an awarded Doctor of Electrical Engineer by top-tier business and academic institutes, is the driving force behind SENERQON and our research and development initiatives and is leading our engineering efforts with exceptional expertise. SENERQON is the next step to Dr Satsios plans to offer the world's best energy optimization services on a true global scale. 

With an international team of electrical engineers and energy optimization experts, we offer high-end energy optimization services on a global scale, helping companies reach their sustainability and green energy emissions goals, while they significantly decrease their energy costs.


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