7 - 13%
Lower Electricity Costs
40 - 70%
Reduced Maintenance Costs
15 - 30%
More Available Power Capacity
Up to 5x
Increase of Lifespan of Equipment
Prevent Shutdowns
Unplanned shutdowns are prevented thus improving industrial output
Improved Safety
Safety hazards are minimized
About Us
SENERQON Group specializes in electrical energy saving & optimizing the power quality for industrial facilities, commercial building and infrastructure. We do this by installing custom interventions that connect in parallel to electrical loads. This custom-designed project reduces power consumption by 7 to 13% and increases power availability by 15 to 30%, so new production lines or additional loads and equipment can be added without any new electrical infrastructure. Furthermore, Senerqon's project extends the life of the existing equipment and lowers maintenance costs by 40 to 70%, while unplanned shutdowns are preventing and safety hazards are minimizing.


TSABASIS Golden Tastes
...The final energy-saving result achieved by the SENERQON project was 13.2% greater than the guaranteed result of 9.7% based on the project contract.
....we have observed a significant increase in the reserve capacity of the electrical installation by 25%...
...there has been a significant reduction in maintenance costs (over 60%) for all electrical equipment in the installation, while unwanted stops of electrical loads due to external and internal voltage dips have been drastically reduced, leading to increased productivity"
- Vassilis Koutroumpinas COO Paliria Group

We would like to confirm the positive results of the power quality optimization & electric energy
saving project... ...custom-made interventions were designed and installed, taking into account
the extremely difficult conditions prevailing in our plant... ...high levels of current-voltage harmonics and the significant fluctuation of the operating voltage due to furnaces' operation, extremely high levels of metal dust... ...equipment installed under your project is of special specifications and includes state-of-the-art
materials from the most renowned industrial manufacturers worldwide... ... technicians demonstrated exceptional behavior, accuracy, and professionalism....Due to the improved voltage levels and the significant reduction of current-voltage harmonics, the efficiency of motors and power transformers has been greatly improved. A substantial reduction in thermal losses across all cables, electrical panels, and electrical
equipment has been achieved... ...that the final result exceeds the guaranteed electric energy
saving goal.
VASILEIOS PAPANTONIOU, Senior Technical Director

“Our facility has been benefited in several ways; First, there was a reduction in voltage and current harmonics which polluted the grid, all the harmful interactions between the loads have been minimized, additionally the efficiency of the motors greatly increased … The savings achieved was 12,22%.”
-Dr. Athanasios Karakatsanis, Plant Director.

Rajhi Steel
“The average saving (-15.74%) was greater that the guaranteed (-10.15%) …. We would like to congratulate you for the Power Quality and Improvement and Saving Project, which was executed in our facilities with absolute success, in line with your offer and scientific know how.”
-Ahmad M. Al-Amoudi, Vice President

Coca Cola
“Our experience on this project has been very positive … The plant KPI of total energy consumption before and after the project showed a 5% reduction … (while) Actual Measurements showed a reduction of 9% … Since the implementation of the project, we have observed significant reduction of electrical component failures.”
-Dimitris Katraouzos,
Group Infrastructure and Development Director COCA COLA HBC SA
Global Presence


Guaranteed 7-13% Savings on Energy Bills
SENERQON's unique selling proposition is that we guarantee your energy savings results as per your annual costs of electricity energy spending.

Guaranteed Energy Savings on Consumption of Energy
According to your set up we Guarantee you energy savings of Consumption of Energy as percentage upon contract.
100% Success rate on Payback period
100% Payback period for each client as stated on our initial research for you factory, building, facility, etc.
Clients & Projects
Over the years, Seman SA & SEM Systems Ltd, have worked on multiple international projects with global leading Corporations such as Amazon, Continental, Hellenic Petroleum, Nestle & more and delivered exceptional results.




Projects & Case Studies
Discover case studies were our team, as part of SEMAN SA & SEM SYSTEMS, has worked on and their achievements, such as significant electricity energy consumption savings with a high ROI.

Al Rajhi Steel Industries Co ltd
Saudia Arabia
Saving Percentage Achieved
15.74 %
Payback Period of the Project
2.06 years

Hellenic Petroleum Group
Saving Percentage Achieved
9.80 %
Payback Period of the Project
1.39 years

Al Marai Company Limited
Saudia Arabia
Saving Percentage Achieved
10.95 %
Payback Period of the Project
2.45 years

General Mills Group (Factory Expansion)
Saving Percentage Achieved
20.69 %
Payback Period of the Project
1.39 years

Coca Cola HBC Group - Schimatary Plant
Athens - Hellas
Saving Percentage Achieved
Payback Period of the Project
1.60 years

Phillip Moris Plant
Athens - Hellas
Saving Percentage Achieved
10.34 %
Payback Period of the Project
1.32 years